Seattle Public Schools

Career Quest Program

Exploratory Internship Program (XIP)

The Exploratory Internship Program (XIP)

The Exploratory Internship Program (XIP) is a team effort between the departments of Career and Technical Education and Special Education. Our goal is to help students aged 16-21 years gain the skills and knowledge necessary to transition successfully from high school to their chosen post-high school educational, training, and career pathways based on their individual interests and goals.

group of XIP students

The XIP Work-based Learning Teacher-Coordinators work closely with students, school staff, employers, and parents as needed to:

  1. Assist students to successfully complete all XIP and work-based learning requirements to earn Career and Technical Education (CTE) and/or elective credits for graduation.
  2. Help students identify their skills, interests, and post-high school goals through personal assessments, career exploration, planning and preparation.
  3. Support and monitor students in their work-based learning experiences.

XIP Work-based Learning Experiences are based on:

  • Student interests, strengths, needs, and skills.
  • Employer requirements and expectations.
  • Worksite location, availability, accessibility, and supervision.
  • Federal and state labor laws, health/safety guidelines, district policies, general safety, and security.

Paid & Unpaid Experience in the Community

Space Needle

Paid Jobs & Internships
Paid Jobs & Internships help students to gain invaluable transferrable skills and complete all XIP and work-based learning requirements to earn CTE and/or elective credits for graduation.

Unpaid Work Experiences
Job shadows, service learning, mentoring, volunteering, community-based projects, career day, junior achievement, workplace tours, school-based enterprises, internships, and non-profit organizations.

Enrollment is Open!

Students, do you have a job and need CTE or Elective credit for graduation? XIP can help!


  • Students must be 16-21 years old with an IEP/504*
  • Students must have a paid or unpaid job.
  • Students must have passed or are currently enrolled in a Career & Technical Education (CTE) class.


women working in a meeting
  • Students can earn up to 2.0 CTE/Elective credits toward graduation.
  • Students gain valuable job skills through “real world” worksite learning experiences.
  • Students get support in your job search.


  • Successfully complete 180 hours of work-based experience to earn 0.5 CTE/elective credit per semester.
  • Successfully complete all CTE course requirements.
  • Check in as scheduled with your CTE Work-based Learning Teacher-Coordinator (WBL).

*The XIP Work-based Learning Teacher-Coordinators will consider students who are 16-21 years old without SPED services.

Enrollment Process

  1. The Seattle Public Schools staffs refer students to XIP.
  2. They will contact the CTE XIP WBL Teacher-Coordinator for your school to begin the enrollment procedures.
  3. The CTE WBL Teacher-Coordinators will:
    • Provide students with an XIP Enrollment Packet to complete.
    • Meet with students for an informal interview and to pick up the XIP Enrollment Packet.
    • Visit your worksite for an Employer Orientation.
  4. Your school Registrar will then enroll you in the CTE Course provided by your CTE WBL Teacher-Coordinator.

XIP Work-based Learning Coordinators

North XIP Work-based Learning Teacher-Coordinator          

Siphia Ung Mann

  • Ballard HS
  • Ingraham HS
  • Interagency UDYC
  • Lincoln HS
  • Middle College at North Seattle College
  • Nathan Hale HS
  • Roosevelt HS

Central XIP Work-based Learning Teacher-Coordinator      

Lilna Givan Williams

  • Alder Academy  
  • The Center School
  • Cleveland STEM High School
  • Garfield HS
  • Middle College at Seattle University
  • Nova
  • Seattle World School
  • Alan T. Sugiyama HS

South XIP Work-based Learning Teacher-Coordinator         

Katherine Meyer

  • Chief Sealth HS
  • Franklin HS
  • John Stanford Center & DVR Pre-ETS
  • Rainier Beach HS
  • West Seattle HS

Interested in offering job or internship experience?

diverse group of business owners

Employers, Business Owners, Company Managers and Administrators!

Please contact us if you or someone you know is interested in supporting Seattle Public Schools students ages 16-21 who are enrolled in our XIP program with a paid or unpaid job experience or a paid or unpaid internship.

All XIP students go through an application process that includes an interview with a Seattle Public Schools Certified Career and Technical Education XIP Work-based Learning Teacher Coordinator.