Seattle Public Schools



BRIDGES Programs


Attend College and Work

旨在为尚未毕业的成人学生提供额外的支持, 想上两年制大学并取得成功, and also want to work/volunteer.

残疾学生经常因为执行能力的问题而辍学, self-determination, 并适应作为一个年轻人所带来的所有变化, independent adult. Students who have received special education services in high school have a higher probability of success in college-level programs and classes if they have extra support services that go beyond accommodations.


为了满足这一需求,正规买足球的App正在创建一个名为BRIDGES U (BU)的新试点项目。.

BRIDGES U的目标是为18-21岁的成人特殊教育学生提供额外的支持, have not graduated yet, 想上两年制大学并取得成功, 你愿意参加学校的活动和俱乐部吗, and also want to work/volunteer.

How it Works

The student is dually enrolled in Seattle Public Schools and one of the local Seattle Colleges (North Seattle, Seattle Central, South Seattle, or Seattle Vocational Institute). The student goes through the college admissions and registration process like any other student and has access to Disability Support Services (DSS) through the college. Each student in BRIDGES U is assigned to a Seattle Public Schools certified special education teacher who acts as the student’s IEP case manager.  BU老师提供专门设计的教学, guidance, support, 以及与大学活动和俱乐部的联系. However, 学生和老师之间的直接接触可能不像在高中那样频繁.  ORCA cards are provided. Students are expected to demonstrate the maturity to learn and have the skills to succeed at the college level. 大学课程不是为学生修改的.  如果学生需要住宿,他们会与学院的残疾支持服务办公室合作.  学生们也想工作/做志愿者,成为大学生活的一部分. 父母应该给予支持, 但也需要让他们的年轻人独立度过大学和工作. 


成人学生负责所有学杂费、书本费、材料费等. However, the IEP case manager will help the student navigate and access the financial aid options available through the college and other funding sources.  如果学生参加了第13年承诺奖学金计划, 他们需要毕业才能获得第13年的承诺奖学金.  这意味着他们没有资格参加波士顿大学的项目,因为他们已经毕业了.

BRIDGES U options

每个学院都有自己独特的课程和课程. 这取决于学生的大学分数线和特定课程的先决条件, 西雅图大学的学生可以在西雅图地区的大学学习各种各样的课程.  Examples include:

  • Running Start
  • Apprenticeship and Education Center
  • 西雅图职业学院(SVI)学习中心
  • Adult Basic Education (ABE)
  • 综合基础教育与技能培训(IBEST)
  • ACHIEVE at Highline College

Running Start

Program for qualified students who wish to take college courses that satisfy high school graduation requirements and earn college credit.  需要在高中期间参加并通过至少一门跑步课程.

Apprenticeship and Education Center

乔治城校区培养了超过4名学生,每年培训20个不同行业的000名学徒和初级工人. Each of the training centers provides classroom and laboratory space with training equipment focused upon specific trade training needs.

每个程序都提供证书选项. The variety of certificates plus an associate degree option provide students with the flexibility to reach their personal goals. 学徒计划提供直接就业机会,同时培训家庭工资工作. 学生们在教室和实验室里学习, 并在行业中获得实际的动手经验. Upon completion, 学生在他或她所选择的行业或职业中知识渊博,经验丰富.  Georgetown Campus


西雅图学习中心项目对符合条件的学生是免费的, who are 16 to 21 years old, and have not completed high school but want to earn their GED® to go on to college or technical training program (tuition–free) and/or start a career. Students who meet the age eligibility requirements and already received a GED® certificate are also eligible to enroll in the Learning Center Seattle program.  Learning Center at SVI

Adult Basic Education (ABE)

Adult Basic Education classes are for adults who are already proficient in the English language but wish to improve their basic reading, writing and math skills.

阅读教学强调理解, vocabulary development, critical thinking and study skills.

写作技巧包括对语言和语法规则的复习和应用, correct usage and spelling, and writing sentences and paragraphs. 学生学习使用写作作为个人表达的一种方式, 作为一种有价值的学习工具和求职时的必要技能, 谋生或获得进一步的教育.

数学教学还包括技能发展, subtraction, 整数的乘法和除法, fractions, decimals and percentages, 代数和几何入门.


综合基础教育与技能培训(IBEST) programs create an opportunity for students at the basic skills level, 英语作为第二语言(ESL)和成人基础教育(ABE)的学生, 报名参加大学水平的课程,并获得高需求行业的证书.

In an IBEST classroom, 基础技能指导老师和大学学科指导老师一起授课, 通过支持扫盲教育和劳动力技能的方法. 学生参加额外的IBEST支持课程,以支持成功并提高英语和数学技能.

ACHIEVE at Highline College

ACHIEVE is a comprehensive post-secondary transition program for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities.  它包括学分和非学分课程, intensive advising, involvement in campus life, community-based internships, and job placement services. All ACHIEVE students are assigned an Educational Case Manager and Employment Consultant who work with the student to draft and implement a comprehensive, individual plan for employment. Specific courses are determined based on skills and competencies needed for the student to achieve his or her identified employment goal(s).  学生转介由中区职员转介至达能.  Eligibility and enrollment is determined by ACHIEVE staff on a competitive basis and applications are submitted directly to the ACHIEVE program by the students and/or their families.

BRIDGES U Eligibility Criteria

  • Disability category not important.
  • IEP团队决定加入BRIDGES,但中心办公室做出场地分配.
  • 学生已达到毕业要求之一.
  • 18-21岁来到BRIDGES大学.
  • 至少有中学水平的学术技能. Students need to be able to meet minimum college test placement requirements and prerequisites to succeed in most of the college classes/programs. However, program prerequisites vary widely and some programs may put more emphasis on completing program outcomes than academic achievement. 这可能意味着学生需要从成人基础教育课程开始, but with the idea to advance further.
  • Willing and able to take at least one class per quarter at the college and have a good chance of succeeding in that class. This also means good attendance.
  • 愿意并能够参加至少一个校园社团或组织.
  • 愿意并能够在SPS和学院双录取期间工作和/或志愿者/实习.
  • Complete the BU B-Pass
  • 从父母那里了解到学生是一个正在上大学的成年人吗, 自己选择课程, jobs, campus experiences, etc.

 Highline College ACHIEVE项目:Megan Sanchez,


专为有智力的学生设计 & 有中等到高度独立工作能力的发展性残疾人士 & daily living skills.  他们可以在大型和/或敏感的实际工作环境中每周工作四天.  学生在满足组织的志愿者要求后,在当地医院做志愿者/实习.


Designed for adult students with intellectual and developmental disabilities who have adequate independent work and daily living skills.  Students volunteer or intern at local hospitals or businesses after meeting prerequisite and screening requirements.  

BRIDGES 1 Programs at Hospitals

  • Swedish Hospital Ballard
  • 第一山和樱桃山瑞典医院.
  • Providence Mt. St. Vincent, West Seattle
  • 儿童医院项目检索(仅限去年入学资格)

Program Description

这些课程旨在强调在当地医院的实际工作环境中的独立运作. 目标是让有发育障碍的学生与真实的, 在成人服务支持机构的帮助下,他们离开学校系统后找到有意义的工作.

In order to work at hospital sites, 学生必须满足严格的医院志愿者要求 . 这意味着他们必须表现出适当的行为/社会互动技能, follow directions, 并最终变得独立和富有成效.  需要提交申请,与医院志愿者协调员面谈,并进行结核病检查.

工作职责的例子包括回收, clean linen delivery, warehouse work, washing dishes, delivering mail, copying and packet assembly, sanitizing multiple locations, kitchen and cafeteria work, data entry, package delivery, etc.

Please note, 儿童医院项目搜索 is unique in that it is designed for students who are eligible for services through the Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) and in their last year of school district service eligibility.


Here’s the link to the form “2021-22西雅图儿童项目搜索申请

Prerequisite Skills

Students will:

  • Have excellent attendance.
  • 能够始终遵守着装要求.
  • 能够独立完成任务.
  • 与他人合作,有礼貌.
  • 听从指导,接受建设性的批评.
  • 能够沟通需求、欲望和兴趣


Swedish Hospital at Ballard
M-F 8:55 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.; Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Maggie Meister, 206-781-6261,

Swedish Hospital at First Hill & Cherry Hill campuses
747 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122
M-F 8:55 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.; Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Kelly Walker, 206-386-6727,

Providence Mt. St. Vincent at West Seattle
4831 35th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126
M-F 8:55 a.m.– 3:45 p.m.; Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Joseph Baird, 917-450-0367,

儿童医院项目搜索 (u区罗斯福公共场所的“大本营”教室位置)
4300 Roosevelt NE, Seattle, WA 98105
M-F 8:55 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.; Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Sheila King, 206-491-0479,


Designed for moderately to highly independent students who want to work and need varied levels of support in functional academics, social, and daily living skills. 学生们一天的大部分时间都在当地的商店里度过 & 根据每个学生的特长,组织提供无薪或有薪职位, preferences, interests, needs, & level of independence.


Designed for adult students with adequate independent work and daily living skills who may need varied levels of support in functional academics, self-management, social, and or daily living skills. 重点是独立运作, volunteering or paid work, 以及当地企业和组织的现实生活学习活动.

Program Description

These programs are designed to prepare students with skills and habits necessary for success in the world of work. 为此目的,与各种公司和非营利组织建立了伙伴关系.

Students are allowed on premises for skills training in exchange for volunteer services or assistance with tasks like mail sorting or merchandise cleaning and shelf arrangement. 一些学生在参加桥梁项目的同时,还在从事有薪工作.

As much as possible, 具体的任务和工作与学生的优势相一致, needs, interests, and preferences.  Examples include:

  • 办公室助理工作,如归档、整理、邮件投递等.
  • 将书籍扫描到库存中,并将存储在记忆棒上的书籍通过匹配数字归档到书架空间
  • 清洁当地退休社区餐饮设施和/或商业厨房.
  • 在当地的食物银行接受捐赠,分类,储存和提供客户服务
  • 在杂货店当礼宾员
  • Assisting in a preschool classroom

作为转型的一部分,我们与金县DDD和“从学校到工作”项目合作. If eligible, our students work with the King County School to Work program during their last year for employment development.

Prerequisite Skills

Students will:

  • Have excellent attendance.
  • 在其他弱势群体周围有安全行为吗.
  • 有独立自理如厕、进食和处理衣物的技能.
  • 能够在指导下独立完成大部分任务.
  • 能够识别基本的社区安全标志.
  • 想要像独立的、有工作的成年人那样生活,并愿意接受导致这一结果的指导.
  • 获得基本的地铁独立技能,但这不是绝对必需的. 如有需要,可提供强化培训.


Ingraham High School
1819 N. 135th, Seattle, WA 98133
M-F 8:55 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.; Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Main Office: 206-252-3880
Ryan Gillespie, teacher,
Mitch Jeune, teacher,

Nathan Hale High School
10750 30ave NE,西雅图,华盛顿州98125
M-F 8:55 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.; Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Anne Anderson, teacher,, 206-252-3769

Nova High School
2410 E Cherry ST, Seattle, WA 98122
Building Hours: M-F 8:55 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.; Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Eileen Mizwicki, teacher,, 206-252-3485

Roxhill Annex
MS WP-267
9430 30th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126
M-F 8:55 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.; Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Judy Camann, teacher,, 206-252-9947
Renee Wong, teacher,, 206-252-6462


Designed for adult students with significant cognitive and adaptive delays who need substantial support and supervision throughout the day. 重点是生活技能的指导, community inclusion, pre-vocational activities, 在当地企业和组织中做志愿者或工作.


Designed for students with significant cognitive and adaptive delays who need substantial support throughout the day. 重点是指导生活技能,社区访问和职业前活动. 在社区做志愿者和工作的机会取决于学生的技能和需要.

Program Description

BRIDGE 3 is designed to foster vocational and community independence in young adults with significant cognitive and adaptive challenges ages 18-21 years old who need small, 支持团体才能成功. 每个项目由一名特殊教育教师和两名全职教学助理负责. Both in class and in the community, 学生们被教导进入实际工作场所所必需的技能,以及那些促进安全的技能, positive recreational experiences. 与DDA、DVR和“从学校到工作”等机构的协调是该计划的重要组成部分. 以社区为基础的培训方案所涉及的一些例子包括:

  • Understanding and using money
  • Telling time to follow schedules
  • Computer skills
  • 过马路和行人安全
  • 社交技能包括交谈、自我辩护、请求帮助或休息
  • 其他生活技能取决于学生的个人需要(卫生,适当的用餐礼仪等).)

Prerequisite Skills

Students will:

  • 能够用适当的餐具自己吃饭.
  • 能独立使用卫生间和洗手.
  • 能够呆在自己的区域,而不用逃离工作人员.
  • 避免言语、身体和性侵犯和/或不适当的行为.


Ingraham High School
1819 N. 135th, Seattle, WA 98133
M-F 8:55 a.m. – 3:45 p.m.; Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Main Office: 206-252-3880
Heidi Leyton, teacher,, 206-252-4019
Micah Lewis, teacher,, 206-252-1000

Roxhill Annex
MS WP-267
9430 30th Ave SW, Seattle, WA 98126
M-F 8:55 a.m.-3:45 p.m.; Early Dismissal Wednesdays at 2:30 p.m.
Blake Borden, teacher,
Alison Kent, teacher,
Sophie Nelson, teacher,
Alisha Winger, teacher,